greenwich - перевод на Английский
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greenwich - перевод на Английский

Гринвич (район Лондона); Гринвич (Лондон); Гринвич; Greenwich

  • King Charles I]] (in the black hat) and his family.<br>[[Royal Collection]], London.
  • Prehistoric burial mounds in Greenwich Park
  • alt=A curving street with older two- and three-storey buildings on either side. In front is a black London taxicab with an advert; midway down the street is an intersection with heavy traffic. A cupolaed clock tower rises in the rear
  • Boats at Greenwich at the end of the Great River Race
  • Royal Observatory with the [[time ball]] atop the Octagon Room
  • alt=An interior of a building with a translucent glass roof supported by blue-painted steel latticework. On the main floor are a number of different stalls with customers inspecting various wares.
  • A map showing the wards of Greenwich Metropolitan Borough as they appeared in 1916.
  • [[Greenwich station]]
  • 6}} moored on the riverfront at Greenwich in 2015
  • Greenwich Town Hall]], now known as "Meridian House"
  • Millennium Leisure Park
  • RFA ''Argus'' being towed to Greenwich in June 2017
  • [[Trinity Hospital, Greenwich]]
  • Pepys Building
  • Spiral staircase and lantern at the [[Queen's House]] in Greenwich
Greenwich, England; Greenwich, London, England; Greenwich, London; Greenwich Market; Greenwich Visitor Centre; Grenwich; Maritime Greenwich; Greenwich, UK; Greenwich (parish); Greenwich, Kent; Greenwhich; History of Greenwich; Geography of Greenwich; Greenwich, United Kingdom


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Гринвич (пригород южного Лондона. До 1948 там находилась Гринвичская астрономическая обсерватория [Royal Greenwich Observatory])



Herstmonceux Castle


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г. Грин(в)ич


г. Гринвич

  • King Charles I]] (in the black hat) and his family.<br>[[Royal Collection]], London.
  • Prehistoric burial mounds in Greenwich Park
  • alt=A curving street with older two- and three-storey buildings on either side. In front is a black London taxicab with an advert; midway down the street is an intersection with heavy traffic. A cupolaed clock tower rises in the rear
  • Boats at Greenwich at the end of the Great River Race
  • Royal Observatory with the [[time ball]] atop the Octagon Room
  • alt=An interior of a building with a translucent glass roof supported by blue-painted steel latticework. On the main floor are a number of different stalls with customers inspecting various wares.
  • A map showing the wards of Greenwich Metropolitan Borough as they appeared in 1916.
  • [[Greenwich station]]
  • 6}} moored on the riverfront at Greenwich in 2015
  • Greenwich Town Hall]], now known as "Meridian House"
  • Millennium Leisure Park
  • RFA ''Argus'' being towed to Greenwich in June 2017
  • [[Trinity Hospital, Greenwich]]
  • Pepys Building
  • Spiral staircase and lantern at the [[Queen's House]] in Greenwich
Greenwich, England; Greenwich, London, England; Greenwich, London; Greenwich Market; Greenwich Visitor Centre; Grenwich; Maritime Greenwich; Greenwich, UK; Greenwich (parish); Greenwich, Kent; Greenwhich; History of Greenwich; Geography of Greenwich; Greenwich, United Kingdom
  • King Charles I]] (in the black hat) and his family.<br>[[Royal Collection]], London.
  • Prehistoric burial mounds in Greenwich Park
  • alt=A curving street with older two- and three-storey buildings on either side. In front is a black London taxicab with an advert; midway down the street is an intersection with heavy traffic. A cupolaed clock tower rises in the rear
  • Boats at Greenwich at the end of the Great River Race
  • Royal Observatory with the [[time ball]] atop the Octagon Room
  • alt=An interior of a building with a translucent glass roof supported by blue-painted steel latticework. On the main floor are a number of different stalls with customers inspecting various wares.
  • A map showing the wards of Greenwich Metropolitan Borough as they appeared in 1916.
  • [[Greenwich station]]
  • 6}} moored on the riverfront at Greenwich in 2015
  • Greenwich Town Hall]], now known as "Meridian House"
  • Millennium Leisure Park
  • RFA ''Argus'' being towed to Greenwich in June 2017
  • [[Trinity Hospital, Greenwich]]
  • Pepys Building
  • Spiral staircase and lantern at the [[Queen's House]] in Greenwich
Greenwich, England; Greenwich, London, England; Greenwich, London; Greenwich Market; Greenwich Visitor Centre; Grenwich; Maritime Greenwich; Greenwich, UK; Greenwich (parish); Greenwich, Kent; Greenwhich; History of Greenwich; Geography of Greenwich; Greenwich, United Kingdom
Greenwich noun г. Грин(в)ич


см. Всемирное время.


Гринвич (исторический район)

Гри́нвич (англ. Greenwich; произн. /ˈɡrɛnɪ/, /ˈɡrɪnɪ/, /ˈɡrɪnɪ/ или /ˈɡrɛnɪ/) — исторический район современного города Лондона. В нынешнем административном делении британской столицы (Большого Лондона) является частью боро Гринвич.

Название района происходит от англосаксонского «зелёная деревня» и вполне оправдывает себя: в летние месяцы наблюдается большое количество растительности.

У района весьма богатая история. Не случайно Гринвич в Лондоне официально входит в число объектов всемирного наследия ЮНЕСКО.

Находится на юго-востоке (или востоке) Лондона на берегу реки Темзы, на противоположном берегу от Собачьего острова.

В своё время Гринвич был городком в юго-восточном пригороде Лондона, причём находился от Лондона неблизко — чтобы добраться до него на лошадях, требовалось несколько часов. В наше же время от центра Лондона до него ехать всего 15 минут.

Теперь район считается очень красивым и спокойным местом, где можно провести время в парке и посмотреть достопримечательности.

Примеры произношения для greenwich
1. That's from Greenwich.
Speakrets _ Ruth Sherman _ Talks at Google
2. and Greenwich, Connecticut.
Should I Scoop Out My Bagel _ Ilyse Schapiro & Hallie Rich _ Talks at Google
3. Greenwich, Connecticut is exotic.
Talking Back, Talking Black _ John McWhorter _ Talks at Google
4. in Greenwich, Connecticut, right?
Chris Gethard Presents _ Chris Gethard & Friends _ Talks at Google
5. in, which is Greenwich, Connecticut,
Where is Education Going Next _ Adam Braun _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для greenwich
1. Gusto Ristorante e Bar Americano, 60 Greenwich Avenue, at Perry Street, Greenwich Village; (212) '24–8000.
2. Lamont, a millionaire Greenwich businessman, had U.S.
3. The Greenwich burglaries began three months later.
4. Vincent‘s Hospital Manhattan in Greenwich Village.
5. UTC, like Greenwich Mean Time (GMT), is based on when the Sun arrives due south at the Greenwich Meridian, the zero line of longitude.