non-fiction - перевод на русский
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non-fiction - перевод на русский

Nonfictional; Non-fictional; Non-Fiction; Nonfiction book; Nonfictional Prose; Non-fiction book; Non fiction; Non-ficion; Nonfiction literature; Non-fiction literature; Non-fiction writing; Non Fiction; Non-fiction books; Informational books; Historical non-fiction; Nonfiction Prose Writing; Nonfictional prose; Nonfiction; Nonfiction genre




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informational books         
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документальный (о фильме, повести)




очерки, реже произведения других жанров, содержанием которых являются реальные и характерные явления, события, лица. Документальная литература, как правило, включает публицистическую оценку автора. Многие произведения документальной литературы имеют художественное значение (напр., "Брестская крепость" С. С. Смирнова, "Блокадная книга" А. М. Адамовича и Д. А. Гранина, "У войны - не женское лицо" С. А. Алексиевич).



Non-fiction (or nonfiction) is any document or media content that attempts, in good faith, to convey information only about the real world, rather than being grounded in imagination. Non-fiction typically aims to present topics objectively based on historical, scientific, and empirical information. However, some non-fiction ranges into more subjective territory, including sincerely held opinions on real-world topics.

Based on the author's intention or the purpose of the content, the main genres of non-fiction are instructional, explanatory, discussion-based, report-based (non-chronological), opinion-based (persuasive) and relating (chronological recounting) non-fiction. Non-fictional works of these different genres can be created with the help of a range of structures or formats such as reference works (almanacs, encyclopedias, atlases, bibliographies, chronicles, consumer reports, dictionaries, thesauri, business or telephone directories, handbooks, yearbooks, books of quotations, etc), life writings (autobiographies, biographies, confessions, diaries, logs, memoirs, epistles, letters, postcards and letter collections, epitaphs, obituaries, etc.), literary criticism (book reports and book reviews), art criticism (movie reviews), promotional writing (brochures, pamphlets, press releases, advertorials, etc.), persuasive writing (apologias), essays and essay collections, history books, academic texts (scholarly papers including scientific papers, monographs, scientific journals, treatises, edited volumes, conference proceedings, etc.), news stories, editorials, letters to the editor, and opinion pieces, manifestos, notices (announcement), documentary films, textbooks, study guides, field guidess, travelogues, recipes, owner's manuals and user guides, self-help books, popular science books, blogs, presentations, orations, and so on. Non-fiction is a fundamental approach to narrative (storytelling), and often refers specifically to prose writing – in contrast to narrative fiction, which is largely populated by imaginary characters and events (although some remain ambiguous regarding their basis in reality). Non-fiction writers can show the reasons and consequences of events, they can compare, contrast, classify, categorise and summarise information, put the facts in a logical or chronological order, infer and reach conclusions about facts, etc. They can use graphic, structural and printed appearance features such as pictures, graphs or charts, diagrams, flowcharts, summaries, glossaries, sidebars, timelines, table of contents, headings, subheadings, bolded or italicised words, footnotes, maps, indices, labels, captions, etc. to help readers find information.

While specific claims in a non-fiction work may prove inaccurate, the sincere author aims to be truthful at the time of composition. A non-fiction account is an exercise in accurately representing a topic, and remains distinct from any implied endorsement.

Примеры произношения для non-fiction
1. SPEAKER: --fictional non-fiction.
Raised in Captivity _ Chuck Klosterman _ Talks at Google
2. You've done non-fiction.
Raised in Captivity _ Chuck Klosterman _ Talks at Google
3. male: What about non-fiction?
Day After Night _ Anita Diamant _ Talks at Google
4. a lot of non-fiction.
The Hellfire Club _ Jake Tapper _ Talks at Google
5. I really enjoy non-fiction.
Day After Night _ Anita Diamant _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для non-fiction
1. She focused on non–fiction and philosophy, politics and plays.
2. The Guardian award is open to debut works of fiction, poetry and non–fiction.
3. It is true, too, that Bloomsbury has always published unabashedly money–making non– fiction.
4. Notable works Class (1'7') is best–known of her non–fiction.
5. "When you do non–fiction, you have to be aware of that.