buoy - перевод на Английский
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buoy - перевод на Английский

Buoys; Navigational buoy; Buoyage; Light buoy
  • buoy with [[letter box]] in [[Töre]]<ref>RCC Pilotage Foundation: ''Baltic Sea and Approaches''. Imray, Laurie, Norie and Wilson Ltd, 2019, [https://books.google.com/books?id=ZeqKDwAAQBAJ&pg=PA241 p. 241], ISBN 9781846238925.</ref>
  • [[NOAA]] [[Weather buoy]]



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ставить буи


спасательный круг

удерживать(ся) наплаву



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спасательный буй

спасательный круг

буй, бакен, буек



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обставлять буями

ставить бакены

поддерживать на поверхности

поднимать на поверхность

поддерживать (энергию, надежду и т. п.) (buoy up) he was buoyed up by the news - известие подбодрило его

buoy 1. noun буй, бакен, буек; веха 2. v. 1) ставить бакены 2) поддерживать на поверхности (обыкн. buoy up) You can use empty oil barrels to buoy up the boards so that you can get across the river. 3) поднимать на поверхность 4) поддерживать (энергию, надежду и т. п.) (тж. buoy up) he was buoyed up by the news - известие подбодрило его


·vi To Float; to rise like a buoy.
II. Buoy ·vt To support or sustain; to preserve from sinking into ruin or despondency.
III. Buoy ·vt To keep from sinking in a fluid, as in water or air; to keep afloat;
- with up.
IV. Buoy ·vt To fix buoys to; to mark by a buoy or by buoys; as, to buoy an anchor; to buoy or buoy off a channel.
V. Buoy ·noun A float; ·esp. a floating object moored to the bottom, to mark a channel or to point out the position of something beneath the water, as an anchor, shoal, rock, ·etc.



A buoy () is a floating device that can have many purposes. It can be anchored (stationary) or allowed to drift with ocean currents.

Примеры произношения для buoy
1. This is Buoy.
Digital Phenotyping Healthcare _ John Brownstein _ Talks at Google
2. He uses a spar buoy.
Going the Last Seven Miles _ Don Walsh _ Talks at Google
3. And after I returned this buoy, he
Racing Extinction _ Louie Psihoyos _ Talks at Google
4. sometimes they're a buoy that's intensively monitored,
Biocode - The New Age of Genomics _ Neil Davies _ Talks at Google
5. was to watch for a locational buoy
The Glass Cage - Automation and Us _ Nicholas Carr _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для buoy
1. That outer buoy was marking a further channel to ply.
2. A consensus that a weaker dollar will lead to lower interest rates helped buoy the markets.
3. The final cost to taxpayers for each buoy was $42,825.68, documents show.
4. You lean back on the buoy line, close your eyes and stretch out your legs.
5. The reason: inadequate diversity to buoy lackluster performers in down markets.