patata - translation to spanish
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patata - translation to spanish

Irish potato; Potatoes; Spud; White potato; White potatoes; Potatos; Solanum tuberosum; Tatties; Tattie; Patata; Maris Peer; Kerris Pink; Idaho potato; Idaho Potato; German Butterball; Red Potato; Red potato; Potato, Irish; New potato; Red potatoes; Potato (northern); Roast potato; Culture of potato; Boiled Potatoes; New potatoes; Tatey; Creamer potato; Patatoes; Poetato; Poetatoe; Solanum tuberosum tuberosum; Alu (tuber); Pateeto; History of Potatoes; Potatoe; Blue potato; Pottato; Potater; Boiled potatoes; Boiled potato; Boiled potatos; Cooking potatoes; Purple potato; Potato farmer; Potato farm; Potato industry; History of potatoes; Creamer potatoes; Pratie; Potato (plant); Potato (food); 🥔; Potato plant; Roast potatoes; Society for the Prevention of Unwholesome Diet; Seed potato; Seed potatoes; Prátaí; Chipping potato; Battata tuberosa; Lycopersicon tuberosum; Parmentiera edulis; Solanum andigenum; Solanum apurimacense; Solanum aracatscha; Solanum aracc-papa; Solanum ascasabii; Solanum boyacense; Solanum caniarense; Solanum cardenasii; Solanum cayeuxi; Solanum chariense; Solanum chaucha; Solanum chiloense; Solanum chilotanum; Solanum chocclo; Solanum churuspi; Solanum coeruleiflorum; Solanum cultum; Solanum diemii; Solanum dubium; Solanum erlansonii; Solanum estradea; Solanum herrerae; Solanum hygrothermicum; Solanum kesselbrenneri; Solanum leptostigma; Solanum macmillanii; Solanum mamilliferum; Solanum molinae; Solanum oceanicum; Solanum ochoanum; Solanum paramoense; Solanum parmentieri; Solanum parvicorollatum; Solanum phureja; Solanum riobambense; Solanum rybinii; Solanum sabinei; Solanum sanmartinense; Solanum sendigena; Solanum sinense; Solanum stenotomum; Solanum subandigenum; Solanum sylvestre; Solanum tarmense; Solanum tascalense; Solanum tenuifilamentum; Solanum utile; Solanum yabari; Solanum zykinii; Ware potato; Potato cultivation; Potato farming; Domesticated potato; Blb1; Blb2; Rpi-blb1
  • Baked potato with sour cream and chives
  • German ''Bauernfrühstück'' ("farmer's breakfast")
  • [[Cepelinai]]
  • Potatoes in an Oklahoma garden
  • Potatoes with different pigmentation
  • [[Papa rellena]]
  • A potato infected by [[late blight]]
  • Global production of potatoes in 2008
  • Early Rose]]' variety seed tuber with sprouts
  • Potatoes grown in a tall bag are common in gardens as they minimize the amount of digging required at harvest
  • A thin section of a potato under light microscopy. It has been treated with an iodine based dye that binds to starch, turning it purple, showing the high starch content.
  • Flowers of a potato plant
  • Potato planting
  • Potato plants
  • Potato transportation to cold storage in India
  • Potatoes from North India
  • American]] potato preparations: (clockwise from top left) [[potato chips]], [[hashbrowns]], [[tater tots]], [[mashed potato]], and a [[baked potato]]
  • s2cid=240163091}}</ref>
  • Russet potatoes
  • [[Potato fruit]], which is not edible
  • Potato field in [[Fort Fairfield, Maine]]

= potato [potatoes, -pl.], Irish potato.
Ex: The notation 633.4 is used to specify particular types of root crop, eg 633.49 Tubers, which is itself extended to specify Potatoes at 633.491.
Ex: The author discusses the shortcomings of the Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme in the indexing of African staple crops, namely cassava, cocoyam, ginger, Irish potato, sweet potato and yam.
* bocadillo de patatas fritas = chip butty.
* fécula de patata = potato starch.
* patata al horno = baked potato.
* patata asada = baked potato.
* patata cultivada con algas = ware potato.
* patata frita = chip.
* patata frita de bolsa = potato chip.
* patatas fritas = french fries, fries.
* patatas fritas de bolsa = crisps, potato crisps.
* patata temprana = early potato.
* puré de patatas = mashed potato.
n. spud, potato, plant grown for its starchy edible tubers (native to South America); edible tuber of the potato plant
patatas fritas: chips
patatas bravas: potatoes in spicy sauce


sust. fem.
1) Botánica. Planta herbácea anual, de las solanáceas, originaria de América y cultivada hoy en casi todo el mundo, con tallos ramosos, hojas desigual y profundamente partidas, flores blancas o moradas en corimbos terminales, fruto en baya carnosa, amarillenta, con muchas semillas blanquecinas, y raíces fibrosas que en sus extremos llevan gruesos tubérculos redondeados, carnosos, muy feculentos, pardos por fuera, amarillentos o rojizos por dentro y que son uno de los alimentos más útiles para el hombre.
2) Cada uno de los tubérculos de esta planta.
3) Batata, tubérculo.
Nota ampliatoria:
Anteriormente al descubrimiento de América, la patata era planta de cultivo en las zonas templadas del Nuevo Continente y debió su gran propagación a los incas. Poco después de 1565 fue transportada a Irlanda, aunque no obtuvo aceptación. Entre los años 1560 a 1570, los españoles la llevaron a Italia y Borgoña, en cuyo país citado en último lugar se cultivaba en 1588. Probablemente a Drake le quepa el mérito de haber dado a conocer la patata en Europa, fuera de España, donde ya se conocía y comía. En 1610 fue de nuevo introducida en Irlanda por Raleigh y en 1663 la Royal Society procuró fomentar su cultivo en aquel país. En Alemania cultivóla Clusius en 1588; en Francia se sirve en la mesa real en 1616, aunque el primero en propagarla fuese Parmentier, bastante después; en 1716 se cultiva en Bamberg, Bayreuth y Baden y hacia mediados del siglo XVII se encuentra en Sajonia pasando luego a Leipzig. Hacia 1770 la patata se propaga en Bohemia y Hungría y a partir de esa fecha su cultivo se generaliza llegando a Rusia, Suecia Grecia, etc. Los ingleses extienden su cultivo a sus colonias y dominios de Africa, Asia y Oceanía, convirtiéndose este tubérculo en primera materia de distintas industrias y en alimento básico de muchos pueblos.



The potato is a starchy food, a tuber of the plant Solanum tuberosum and is a root vegetable native to the Americas. The plant is a perennial in the nightshade family Solanaceae.

Wild potato species can be found from the southern United States to southern Chile. The potato was originally believed to have been domesticated by Native Americans independently in multiple locations, but later genetic studies traced a single origin, in the area of present-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia. Potatoes were domesticated there approximately 7,000–10,000 years ago, from a species in the Solanum brevicaule complex. In the Andes region of South America, where the species is indigenous, some close relatives of the potato are cultivated.

Potatoes were introduced to Europe from the Americas by the Spanish in the second half of the 16th century. Today they are a staple food in many parts of the world and an integral part of much of the world's food supply. As of 2014, potatoes were the world's fourth-largest food crop after maize (corn), wheat, and rice. Following millennia of selective breeding, there are now over 5,000 different types of potatoes. Over 99% of potatoes presently cultivated worldwide descend from varieties that originated in the lowlands of south-central Chile. The importance of the potato as a food source and culinary ingredient varies by region and is still changing. It remains an essential crop in Europe, especially Northern and Eastern Europe, where per capita production is still the highest in the world, while the most rapid expansion in production since 2000 has occurred in southern and eastern Asia, with China and India leading the world in overall production as of 2018.

Like the tomato, the potato is a nightshade in the genus Solanum, and the vegetative and fruiting parts of the potato contain the toxin solanine which is dangerous for human consumption. Normal potato tubers that have been grown and stored properly produce glycoalkaloids in amounts small enough to be negligible for human health, but, if green sections of the plant (namely sprouts and skins) are exposed to light, the tuber can accumulate a high enough concentration of glycoalkaloids to affect human health.

Pronunciation examples for patata
1. solo patatas
Pájaros de papel
2. JERROD CARMICHAEL: Potato, patata.
The Carmichael Show _ Cast & Creatives _ Talks at Google
3. Patate," and she joins us today to discuss "Unleash Your
Unleash Your Superpowers _ Florence Servan-Schreiber _ Talks at Google
4. Unless they want to get a big patata in their traste!
Step Up 3 (2010)
5. You know in Rome it's the patate pizza and some versions are simple like this, some they
Pizza School _ Mark Bello _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of patata
1. Lleva vinagre, azúcar, colorante rojo y fécula de patata?.
2. Los ingenieros de Basf llevan años trabajando en la patata Amflora (nombre técnico EH'2-527-1). "Se trata de una patata a la que se le inactiva el gen que sintetiza la amilosa.
3. Este almidón de patata tiene cada vez más uso como sustituto del plástico, por ejemplo.
4. La empresa ha diseñado unas bolsas que utilizan almidón de patata.
5. Primero hacemos el ajo, luego la cebolla, la patata, la uva y, al final, la aceituna.