oversensitive - traducción al español
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oversensitive - traducción al español

(adj.) = demasiado susceptible
Ex: But while librarians certainly have a lot to answer for, they should not become oversensitive about the non-user.
oversensitive, overly sensitive; excessively touchy


¦ adjective excessively sensitive.
oversensitiveness noun
oversensitivity noun
Ejemplos de pronunciación para oversensitive
1. That am I being too oversensitive?
I'm Judging You - The Do Better Manual _ Luvvie Ajayi _ Talks at Google
2. maybe, or a little over-reactive, oversensitive.
Survivor Café - The Legacy of Trauma and the Labyrinth of Memory _ Elizabeth Rosner _ Talks at Google
3. state of your health. And when the body has learned to be oversensitive
Yoga for Pain Relief _ Kelly McGonigal _ Talks at Google
4. People who have chronic pain have a body and a brain that have learned to be oversensitive
Yoga for Pain Relief _ Kelly McGonigal _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de oversensitive
1. That such an unexceptional outburst can now become a political issue confirms how oversensitive Britain has become under new Labour.
2. Pamuk‘s world–class achievement should be a source of pride – a compliment, not an insult to a sometimes oversensitive nation.
3. Iran, under this regime, is a very touchy and oversensitive place. – Graham, Preston Quite possible that he was passing on information.
4. Some drivers criticised the Labour–run authority for being oversensitive to those who might find such symbols upsetting, but it stuck to its guns.
5. And if there had ever been a real fire that made the oversensitive smoke alarm wail for all it‘s worth, I would have grabbed my spice box, run outside, and calmly waited for the red truck to arrive.