supersonico - translation to
Online Dictionary

supersonico - translation to

= supersonic.
Ex: In conclusion, in terms of the future of automated catalogs, the Wright brothers have just flown and it will be many years before the supersonic transport catalog is generally available for the majority of libraries.
supersonic, greater than than the speed of sound, ultrasonic


supersónico, -a adj. Se aplica a la velocidad superior a la del sonido y a los aviones que se mueven a tal velocidad.
Pronunciation examples for supersonico
1. They're supersonic.
Terry Virts _ How to Astronaut _ Talks at Google
2. faster is called supersonic.
The Future of Air Travel
3. a supersonic plane someday.
The Future of Air Travel
4. to supersonic speeds.
The Design and Engineering of Curiosity _ Emily Lakdawalla _ Talks at Google
5. that's supersonic speed.
The Call of Everest _ Conrad Anker _ Talks at Google