plague - traducción al español
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plague - traducción al español

Plagues; Plague (disambiguation); The Plague (album); The plague; Plauge; The Plague (band); The Plague (film); The Plague (EP); The plague (disambiguation)

Black Plague         
  • die]] and turn black
  • Skeletons in a mass grave from 1720 to 1721 in [[Martigues]], near [[Marseille]] in southern France, yielded molecular evidence of the ''orientalis'' strain of ''Yersinia pestis'', the organism responsible for bubonic plague. The second pandemic of bubonic plague was active in Europe from 1347, the beginning of the Black Death, until 1750.
  • burned at the stake]] in 1349. Miniature from a 14th-century manuscript ''Antiquitates Flandriae'' by [[Gilles Li Muisis]]
  • Citizens of [[Tournai]] bury plague victims
  • The [[Great Plague of London]], in 1665, killed up to 100,000 people.
  • Inspired by the Black Death, ''The Dance of Death'', or ''[[Danse Macabre]]'', an [[allegory]] on the universality of death, was a common painting motif in the late medieval period.
  • apparel]] during the 17th-century outbreak.
  • An inguinal [[bubo]] on the upper thigh of a person infected with bubonic plague. Swollen [[lymph node]]s (''buboes'') often occur in the neck, armpit and groin (''inguinal'') regions of plague victims.
  • Pieter Bruegel]]'s ''[[The Triumph of Death]]'' reflects the social upheaval and terror that followed plague, which devastated medieval Europe.
  • Worldwide distribution of plague-infected animals, 1998
  • access-date=3 November 2008}}</ref>
Black Plague; Black death; The medieval plague; The Black Plague; Black plague; The Black Death; Great Plague; Black DEATH; Blackdeath; Great Mortality; The black death; Black death cures; How the black plague got to europe; Great pestilence; Draft:Black Death; The Plague; Black Death in China
peste negra, epidemia de peste bubônica que atingiu Londres na década de 1660
Black Death         
  • die]] and turn black
  • Skeletons in a mass grave from 1720 to 1721 in [[Martigues]], near [[Marseille]] in southern France, yielded molecular evidence of the ''orientalis'' strain of ''Yersinia pestis'', the organism responsible for bubonic plague. The second pandemic of bubonic plague was active in Europe from&nbsp;1347, the beginning of the Black Death, until 1750.
  • burned at the stake]] in 1349. Miniature from a 14th-century manuscript ''Antiquitates Flandriae'' by [[Gilles Li Muisis]]
  • Citizens of [[Tournai]] bury plague victims
  • The [[Great Plague of London]], in 1665, killed up to 100,000 people.
  • Inspired by the Black Death, ''The Dance of Death'', or ''[[Danse Macabre]]'', an [[allegory]] on the universality of death, was a common painting motif in the late medieval period.
  • apparel]] during the 17th-century outbreak.
  • An inguinal [[bubo]] on the upper thigh of a person infected with bubonic plague. Swollen [[lymph node]]s (''buboes'') often occur in the neck, armpit and groin (''inguinal'') regions of plague victims.
  • Pieter Bruegel]]'s ''[[The Triumph of Death]]'' reflects the social upheaval and terror that followed plague, which devastated medieval Europe.
  • Worldwide distribution of plague-infected animals, 1998
  • access-date=3 November 2008}}</ref>
Black Plague; Black death; The medieval plague; The Black Plague; Black plague; The Black Death; Great Plague; Black DEATH; Blackdeath; Great Mortality; The black death; Black death cures; How the black plague got to europe; Great pestilence; Draft:Black Death; The Plague; Black Death in China
la Peste Negra (epidemia de una grave peste que tuvo lugar durante la Edad Media y mató a casi la mitad de la comunidad europea)


I. n.
Pestilence, pest.
Affliction, annoyance, vexation, trouble, nuisance, curse, torment, thorn in one's side.
II. v. a.
Annoy, tease, vex, worry, trouble, molest, torment, harass, harry, disturb, fret, gall, chafe, bore, incommode, bother, pester, badger, hector, irritate, disquiet, distress, afflict, tantalize, embarrass, perplex.



Plague or The Plague may refer to:

Ejemplos de pronunciación para plague
1. plagues.
AI, Human Augmentation, and the Future of Intelligence on Earth _ David Brin _ Talks at Google
2. and plague.
3. Let's see, three plagues, only three plagues, three afflictions
How to Fix Copyright _ Bill Patry _ Talks at Google
4. of bubonic plague.
Conversations on Mindful Leadership from the Front Lines _ Talks at Google
5. Similarly, bubonic plague periodically
Star Trek and The Science of Optimism _ Nicholas Meyer _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de plague
1. Bubonic plague is not contagious, but if left untreated it can morph into pneumonic plague, which is.
2. Renewed fighting continues to plague the southeast of the country.
3. "A plague has spread across America," Macpherson said.
4. UNIDENTIFIED POET #2÷ This is worse than a plague.
5. Bubonic plague is not contagious, but left untreated it can transform into pneumonic plague, which can be spread from person to person.