shovel - meaning and definition. What is shovel
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What (who) is shovel - definition

Shovels; Scoop (tool); Hand shovel
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  • Workmen using shovels
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  • A typical shovel

n. a steam shovel
(shovels, shovelling, shovelled)
Note: in AM, use 'shoveling', 'shoveled'
A shovel is a tool with a long handle that is used for lifting and moving earth, coal, or snow.
...a coal shovel...
She dug the foundation with a pick and shovel.
If you shovel earth, coal, or snow, you lift and move it with a shovel.
He has to get out and shovel snow...
Pendergood had shovelled the sand out of the caravan.
VERB: V n, V n prep/adv
If you shovel something somewhere, you push a lot of it quickly into that place.
Randall was shoveling food into his mouth.
VERB: V n prep/adv
¦ noun a tool resembling a spade with a broad blade and upturned sides, used for moving coal, earth, snow, etc.
¦ verb (shovels, shovelling, shovelled; US shovels, shoveling, shoveled)
1. move with a shovel.
2. (shovel something down/in) informal eat food quickly and in large quantities.
shovelful noun (plural shovelfuls).
OE scofl, of Gmc origin; related to shove.



A shovel is a tool used for digging, lifting, and moving bulk materials, such as soil, coal, gravel, snow, sand, or ore.

Most shovels are hand tools consisting of a broad blade fixed to a medium-length handle. Shovel blades are usually made of sheet steel or hard plastics and are very strong. Shovel handles are usually made of wood (especially specific varieties such as ash or maple) or glass-reinforced plastic (fiberglass).

Hand shovel blades made of sheet steel usually have a folded seam or hem at the back to make a socket for the handle. This fold also commonly provides extra rigidity to the blade. The handles are usually riveted in place. A T-piece is commonly fitted to the end of the handle to aid grip and control where the shovel is designed for moving soil and heavy materials. These designs can all be easily mass-produced.

The term shovel also applies to larger excavating machines called power shovels, which serve the same purpose—digging, lifting, and moving material. Although such modern power shovels as front-end loaders and excavators (including tractors that feature a loading bucket on one end and a backhoe for digging and placing material on the other) descend from steam shovels and perform similar work they are not classified as shovels.

Hand shovels have been adapted for many different tasks and environments. They can be optimized for a single task or designed as cross-over or compromise multitaskers. They are very useful in agriculture.

Pronunciation examples for shovel
1. shovel.
The History of 111 Eighth Ave _ Greg Estren _ Talks at Google
2. I will shovel shit.
99 Homes _ Andrew Garfield _ Talks at Google
3. shovel the coal in.
The NYC Pizza Lover's Guide _ Scott Wiener _ Talks at Google
4. rather than a shovel?
5. to shovel snow.
On the Edge - Leadership Lessons from Mount Everest _ Alison Levine _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of shovel
1. Investigators went through dirt from an overgrown lot next to Freeman‘s home shovel by shovel on Tuesday.
2. Other troops rode the shovel of a bulldozer to the roof and began forcing settlers into the shovel to bring them down.
3. "And you don‘t have to shovel it, either," they added.
4. Louisville, Ky., had 11 inches to shovel and plow.
5. So, what about Obama and all this shovel–ready business?