thingie - meaning and definition. What is thingie
Online Dictionary

What (who) is thingie - definition

Same as thingamajig
Pass me that, um, you know, that thingie over there...the blue one.
Pronunciation examples for thingie
1. "The thingies."
Robert Kaplan _ Talks at Google
2. What do you mean thingies?
Robert Kaplan _ Talks at Google
3. "All those thingies are 21."
Robert Kaplan _ Talks at Google
4. and get one of those grabby thingies.
Barney Swan _ Skiing to The South Pole on Renewable Energy _ Talks at Google
5. that there's some magic non-thing thingie that gets
Neither Ghost nor Machine _ Jeremy Sherman _ Talks at Google
Examples of use of thingie
1. Still, this early–life–crisis thingie is intriguing.
2. This year I saw a baffling but intriguing physical–theatre thingie about lurve staged in a bedroom at the Caledonian Hotel.
3. I thought that was a totally original concept, until I dimly recalled seeing a baffling but intriguing thingie about lurve staged in a hotel bedroom at the festival in the late 1'70s. (Or perhaps that was my honeymoon.