trumble - meaning and definition. What is trumble
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What (who) is trumble - definition

User:Mr. Lean 'n' Green/Trumble; Draft:Trumble
the unnerving, trumpetting, di-di-di-di type sound that mobile phones inspire in other electronic devices such as stereos, tvs and pacemakers.
His phone began to trumble the car stereo...
Robert Trumble         
Robert William Trumble (15 April 1919 – 2 January 2011) was an Australian musician and author. Son of international cricketer Hugh Trumble, Robert dedicated his first book, The Golden Age of Cricket, to his father.


Trumble is a surname of English and Scottish origin. Notable people with this surname include:
Examples of use of trumble
1. It is, Trumble suggests, the most immediately expressive muscular contraction of which the body is capable.
2. And nothing, says Trumble, can achieve this as effectively as an open smile.
3. But Trumble and other King Cove officials say the plan has not worked out.
4. "When you can keep what you have, that‘s the easiest and the best," Trumble said.
5. I had to resort to Angus Trumble, the art historian, for help.