wibble - meaning and definition. What is wibble
Online Dictionary

What (who) is wibble - definition

Wibble (disambiguation)

¦ verb informal
1. another term for wobble.
2. Brit. speak or write at length.
wibbly adjective
C19: independent usage of the first element of the reduplication wibble-wobble; sense 2 is perh. a different word and influenced by drivel.
1) A word used to demonstrate something silly. An off the cuff silly word which replaces an otherwise sensible answer
'Did you really mean for the ferret to loose all of its fur'? Reply...errr...wibble
2) Of progressive rock, intelligent electronica). Spaced out sounds, extended, heavily reverb'd drones and pads, and noises that make very little sense to the unattuned ear. Extreme examples can be termed acres of wibble.
Check out this ambient mix album I just bought. Acres of wibble, my friend, acres.



Wibble may refer to:

  • Anne Wibble (1943–2000), former Swedish minister of finance
  • A commonly used metasyntactic variable, alongside wubble and wobble
  • Wibbles, a poi trick in juggling
Pronunciation examples for wibble
1. cheeks wibble and wobble while she tries to breathe past the
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Examples of use of wibble
1. Wibble: Should David Cameron have answered the drugs question?
2. Wibble: When do you think Tony Blair will step aside?