wordhumping - meaning and definition. What is wordhumping
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What (who) is wordhumping - definition

(1) The process of fixating on a specific, isolated word when one is speaking to you, interrupting the conversation, repeating the word obsessively for minutes/hours/days (in any and every context) until it renedered almost meaningless, then discarding it until it has some useful purpose again (i.e. in an actual sentence.)
(2) Taking a word out of context and enjoying it simply for the sound.
Example 1Person 1: So my great-great-great aunt had the bubonic plague and...Person 2: (wordhumping) Wait, stop. You said, 'bubonic.'Person 1: Yeah, and so...Person 2: Bubonic. Bubonic. Boo. Bonic. Boo-bonic.Person 2: (next week, on the phone to Person 3) Oh my god, I was at that party the other night and it was so damn bubonic...Example 2: Slacks.