your - traducción al Inglés
Diccionario en línea

your - traducción al Inglés

Your; Plural of you; Yous; You guys; You (pronoun); You (word); Youse; Youuns; Youns; You're; You lot; Youre
  • female speaker with US accent
  • female speaker with US accent
  • female speaker with US accent
  • female speaker with US accent

= su, tu, vuestro
Ex: And there is a basis for your belief: money.
* as long as (my/your) arm = larguísimo, kilométrico, más largo que un día sin pan
* a word in + Posesivo + ear = en privado
* be clear in your mind = tener claro, comprender bien
* cast your bread upon the waters = haz el bien y no mires a quién
* don"t count your chickens before they are hatched = no cantes victoria antes de tiempo, no vendas la leche antes de ordeñar la vaca
* eat your heart out! = ¡chúpate esa!, ¡muérete de envidia!
* here's your chance! = ¡esta es tu oportunidad!
* I beg your pardon? = ¿Puede repetir?, ¿Qué ha dicho?
* in-your-face = descarado
* let + your imagination fly! = dale alas a tu imaginación, da rienda suelta a tu imaginación
* Not on your life! = ¡Ni se te ocurra!, ¡No, por lo que más quieras!, ¡de ninguna manera!, ¡ni muerto!, ¡ni loco!, Rita la cantaora
* on your bike! = ¡lárgate!, ¡pírate!, ¡a freír espárragos!, ¡venga ya!
* On your mark, get set, go! = Preparados, listos, ya
* set + your watch by = estar seguro, predecir, contar con, depender
* shut your face! = ¡punto en boca!, ¡cierra el pico!, ¡cierra la boca!
* shut your mouth! = ¡punto en boca!, ¡cierra el pico!, ¡cierra la boca!
* watch your language! = ¡qué palabras son esas!, ¡no digas palabrotas!
* your imagination is the limit = la imaginación no tiene límites


·pron & ·adj The form of the possessive case of the personal pronoun you.



In Modern English, you is the second-person pronoun. It is grammatically plural, and was historically used only for the dative case, but in most modern dialects is used for all cases and numbers.

Ejemplos de pronunciación para your
1. Your zestys, your rich, your crispys, your fluffys,
The Language of Food _ Dan Jurafsky _ Talks at Google
2. your colleagues, your clients, your suppliers, your boss,
Getting to Yes with Yourself _ William Ury _ Talks at Google
3. Your identity, your personality, your emotions, your moods,
Voice Builder to the World _ Gary Catona _ Talks at Google
4. On your Tuesday, your Wednesday, your Thursday, and your Friday,
Sleep Deprived - How to Make The Most of It _ Sophie Bostock _ Talks at Google
5. your food, your exercise, your priorities, and your sex life
WomanCode _ Alisa Vitti _ Talks at Google
Ejemplos de uso de your
1. I‘m going to be your mother, your father, your sister, your brother, your best friend.
2. Your equipment will be your minds, your smarts, your talents, your love of country.
3. I need your mothers and your fathers, your brothers and your sisters, your sons and your daughters," he said.
4. You can put your house, your garage, your shed, your garden gnome on it.
5. "That belongs to your priest, your rabbi, your doctor, your family, whoever.